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![[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -033- [Foley] Rearrange the cut OK sounds](
Feb 5
[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -033- [Foley] Rearrange the cut OK sounds
This is a ReaScript that can be used for sound selection after Foley recording.
![[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -032- [Movie] Copy the selected video in parallel for the specified number of times](
Jan 22
[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -032- [Movie] Copy the selected video in parallel for the specified number of times
This script allows to automatically copy and parallelize videos by simply specifying the number of copies and the interval between copies.
![[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -010-SE production required! ! -Free Pitch operation-ReaScript! !](
中島 健太郎
Jan 8
[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -010-SE production required! ! -Free Pitch operation-ReaScript! !
Lua:ReaScript to change the pitch of selected media files in a batch.
It is very versatile and can be used to set random Pitch settings, etc
![[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -009-MA production required!! -Delete all muted media-ReaScript!!](
中島 健太郎
Jan 8
[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -009-MA production required!! -Delete all muted media-ReaScript!!
Lua:This is a ReaScript to delete muted media files in bulk.
The mechanism is to deal with the mute information.
![[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -008-Foley recording is essential!! -Multiple video copies during recording-ReaScript!!](
中島 健太郎
Jan 8
[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -008-Foley recording is essential!! -Multiple video copies during recording-ReaScript!!
Lua:Script that copies and aligns side by side from a single video!
![[REAPDOCK-Lua-]-007-"Sound Design" Essential-Fade Automation-ReaScript!!](
中島 健太郎
Jan 8
[REAPDOCK-Lua-]-007-"Sound Design" Essential-Fade Automation-ReaScript!!
Lua:Automatically sets FadeIn/FadeOut.
The fade can be changed freely, allowing you to set fades at inserts and at various other points.
![[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -031- [Slack] Slack notification after HANDAUTOMER execution](
Jan 8
[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -031- [Slack] Slack notification after HANDAUTOMER execution
The 31st issue of REAPDOCK is about Slack notifications, which have finally been implemented.

![[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -005- Essential for volume adjustment! ReaScript for freely changing the volume!!](,h_386,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/fc32ca_2dd315a28b4f431e924483d40276c599~mv2.webp)
中島 健太郎
Jan 8
[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -005- Essential for volume adjustment! ReaScript for freely changing the volume!!
“Volume of all selected media +1dB”
This is a script that could be used in various places as an application.

![[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -004- Essential for MA! ReaScript to get frame count in 2 seconds!!](,h_386,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/fc32ca_d923e357cd0f4c908050ed104543fefe~mv2.webp)
中島 健太郎
Jan 8
[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -004- Essential for MA! ReaScript to get frame count in 2 seconds!!
Lua:The subject of this issue is a Script that “outputs all file names and frame counts of a specified track to the console.

![[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -003- Essential for recording! ReaScript that turns a 10 minute task into 2 seconds!!](,h_386,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/daf646_fc5c8bbfe4874aaf8546494521dbdfe9~mv2.webp)
AZ Sarina Takeda
Jan 7
[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -003- Essential for recording! ReaScript that turns a 10 minute task into 2 seconds!!
In this case, the script is “Add ‘_ng’ to the name of all selected media (waveforms).
This is a technology sharing that will help recording

![[REAPDOCK-Lua-]-002-Sort all media in ascending order](,h_386,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/fc32ca_c524b0be112e443996d8282acdca10a3~mv2.webp)
AZ Sarina Takeda
Jan 7
[REAPDOCK-Lua-]-002-Sort all media in ascending order
The script is “Sort all media (waveforms) in ascending order.”
However, please note that there are some caveats.

![[REAPDOCK-Lua-]-001-Automatically change all selected media to mono](,h_386,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/fc32ca_3c336a2b378a4ca8bd6e3f61fbf6019b~mv2.webp)
中島 健太郎
Jan 7
[REAPDOCK-Lua-]-001-Automatically change all selected media to mono
It's a pain to change each one to mono every time. This will solve that problem once and for all .
![[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -030- [Render] Rendering waveforms using saved data](
Dec 18, 2024
[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -030- [Render] Rendering waveforms using saved data
This is a Reascript that reads the saved data of the Render settings generated in the previous blog and writes out the waveform data.
![[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -029- [Render] Save render settings as text and generate save data](
Dec 4, 2024
[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -029- [Render] Save render settings as text and generate save data
ReaScript is essential for automating file export.
This will be especially useful for those who frequently export files!
![[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -028- [CEDEC+KYUSHU2024] Successfully automated the process from voice rough editing to Wwise implementation](
Nov 20, 2024
[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -028- [CEDEC+KYUSHU2024] Successfully automated the process from voice rough editing to Wwise implementation
This is the latest version of REAPDOCK that I will be sharing at CEDEC+KYUSHU.
![[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -027- [Wwise] -Part1- Manipulating each file name](
Nov 7, 2024
[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -027- [Wwise] -Part1- Manipulating each file name
This is the first part about Wwise operations: “Renaming”.
Connect to Wwise and rename the selected object.
By using the string operations i
![[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -026- LOUDMATCHIFY Part 2: Running Name Detection Loudness](
Oct 23, 2024
[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -026- LOUDMATCHIFY Part 2: Running Name Detection Loudness
This time, LOUDMATCHIFY will be executed using the save data generated in the previous blog.
![[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -025- [LOUDMATCHIFY] LOUDMATCHIFY 1st Edition: Creating Save Data - Patented Technology 003 - ReaScript!!](
Oct 9, 2024
[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -025- [LOUDMATCHIFY] LOUDMATCHIFY 1st Edition: Creating Save Data - Patented Technology 003 - ReaScript!!
We are pleased to announce ReaScript using AZSTOKE Inc. patented technology 003 “LOUDMATCHIFY”.
![[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -024- [TALKTRON] Multilingual volume automatic adjustment function - Patented technology 002 - ReaScript!!](
中島 健太郎
Aug 28, 2024
[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -024- [TALKTRON] Multilingual volume automatic adjustment function - Patented technology 002 - ReaScript!!
Automatic multilingual volume adjustment - ReaScript with patented technology 002 “TALKTRON”!
![[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -023- [Region] Region Marker Part 1 - Set the region of the selected media as it is - ReaScript!!](
中島 健太郎
Aug 7, 2024
[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -023- [Region] Region Marker Part 1 - Set the region of the selected media as it is - ReaScript!!
This is the first ReaScript on region creation.
Region creation is a very important function for game sound.
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