Reaper's ReaScript AZSTOKE-BRONZE-API-
API: 154 items (Media operations)
Version information: AZSTOKE_BRONZE_ver2.0.0
Available OS: Windows 10 or later/MacOS 10 or later
Available languages: Lua/Python
- API -
28 API additions/bug fixes
- API Detail-
■ API addition
AZ_InsertMediaOutItem: Inserts a media file at the specified path and retrieves the media item.
AZ_GetMediaItemBitRate: Get the bit rate of the specified media item
AZ_GetMediaItemSampleRate: Gets the sample rate of a specified media item
AZ_GetMediaItemNumChannels: Gets the number of channels for a specified media item.
AZ_GetMediaItemChannelMode: Gets the channel mode of the specified media item.
AZ_SetMediaItemChannelMode: Sets the channel mode of the specified media item.
AZ_GetMediaItemName: Gets the name of the specified media item.
AZ_SetMediaItemName: Sets the name of the specified media item.
AZ_GetMediaItemMute: Gets the mute status of the specified media item.
AZ_SetMediaItemMute: Sets the mute status of the specified media item.
AZ_GetMediaItemStartTimeSeconds: Get the start time (seconds) of the specified media item
AZ_GetMediaItemLength: Gets the length (in seconds) of a specified media item.
AZ_GetMediaItemEndTime: Gets the end time (in seconds) of the specified media item.
AZ_GetMediaItemFade: Gets the fade time type and duration (in seconds) for a specified media item.
AZ_SetMediaItemFade: Sets the fade time type and duration (in seconds) for the specified media item.
AZ_GetMediaItemVolume: Gets the volume (dB) of the specified media item.
AZ_SetMediaItemVolume: Sets the volume (dB) of the specified media item.
AZ_SetMediaItemAddVolume: Adds the volume (dB) of the specified media item.
AZ_GetMediaItemPitch: Gets the pitch of the specified media item.
AZ_SetMediaItemPitch: Sets the pitch of the specified media item.
AZ_SetMediaItemAddPitch: Adds the pitch of the specified media item.
AZ_GetMediaItemRate: Gets the speed of a specified media item.
AZ_SetMediaItemRate: Sets the speed of the specified media item.
AZ_DeleteMediaItem: Delete the specified media item.
AZ_SetMediaItemMoveToTrack: Moves the track of the specified media item.
AZ_SetMediaItemActiveTakeCopy: Copies the active take of the specified media item.
AZ_SetAllMediaSelected: Deselect all media
AZ_GetTrackItemMediaTypeCount: Returns the number of media types in the specified track item.
■Bug fixes [Lua]
AZ_SetSelectedTrackMediaFade: Fixed a bug where media from an unexpected track was referenced
AZ_SetMediaMoveToTrack: Fixed a bug that caused the track to not move
■ Bug fixes [Python]
AZ_GetTrackMediaEndTime: Fixed bug of insufficient input value
AZ_GetSelectedTrackMediaEndTime: Fixed bug of insufficient input value