Reaper's ReaScript AZSTOKE-GOLD-API-
API: 25 items
Version information: AZSTOKE_GOLD_ver1.0.0
Available OS: Windows 10 or later/MacOS 10 or later
Available languages: Lua/Python
- API -

25 new API items added
- API Detail-
■ API addition
AZ_Wwise_Connect: Start connecting to Wwise
AZ_Wwise_Disconnect: Finish connecting to Wwise
AZ_Wwise_GetProjectName: Gets the name of the current Wwise project
AZ_Wwise_SetProperty: Set a property of a Wwise object
AZ_Wwise_MoveObject: Move a Wwise object
AZ_Wwise_SetName: Set the name of a Wwise object
AZ_Wwise_GetProperty: Gets the properties set on a Wwise object
AZ_Wwise_SearchSoundItemFromName: Get sound objects with matching names
AZ_Wwise_GetChildrenList: Get the child objects of a specified Wwise object
AZ_Wwise_GetTotalVolume: Calculates the total volume setting for the specified Wwise object's output
AZ_Wwise_GetSelectedObjectList: Get all selected Wwise objects
AZ_Wwise_GetAllActorAncestorList: Get all ancestors of a specified Wwise object
AZ_Wwise_GetAllBusAncestorList: Gets all buses and their ancestors set on a specified Wwise object.
AZ_Wwise_GetUserAuxSend: Gets the sends set on a specified Wwise object
AZ_Wwise_GetSwitchSet: Gets information about a switch group and the switches it contains.
AZ_Wwise_GetPropertyList: Gets a list of properties set on a specified Wwise object
AZ_Wwise_CreateContainer: Creates a container directly under the specified Wwise object.
AZ_LOUDMATCHFY_SetVolumeForMediaItem: Executes LOUDMATCHFY on the media.
AZ_LOUDMATCHFY_SetVolumeForMediaId: Execute LOUDMATCHFY for the media ID.
AZ_LOUDMATCHFY_SetVolumeForSelectedMediaId: Execute LOUDMATCHFY for the selected media ID.
AZ_LOUDMATCHFY_SetVolumeForMediaItemList: Executes LOUDMATCHFY for the media in the list.
AZ_MIDDLESCANNER_Wwise_GetVolumeForMediaItem: Executes MIDDLESCANNER for the media.
AZ_MIDDLESCANNER_Wwise_GetVolumeForMediaId: Executes MIDDLESCANNER for the media ID.
AZ_MIDDLESCANNER_Wwise_GetVolumeForSelectedMediaId: Executes MIDDLESCANNER for the selected media ID.
AZ_MIDDLESCANNER_Wwise_GetVolumeForMediaItemList: Executes MIDDLESCANNER for the media in the list.