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Reaper's ReaScript AZSTOKE-GOLD-API-
- API: 66 items
- Version information:AZSTOKE_GOLD_ver1.2.0
- Available OS: Windows 10 or later/MAC OS 10 or later
- Available languages: Lua/Python
- API -

13 API additions and bug fixes
- API Detail-
Fixed to get the ID of an object when a property is specified■add API
Wwise Related
- AZ_Wwise_AssignToSwitch : Assign objects to switches in the switch container
- AZ_Wwise_DeleteObject : Delete object
- AZ_Wwise_CreateObject : Create other objects
- AZ_Wwise_AddActionToEvent : Add actions to events
- AZ_Wwise_CreateEvent : Create Event
- AZ_Wwise_CreateVirtualFolder : Create virtual folder
- AZ_Wwise_CreateActorMixer : Create Actor-Mixer
- AZ_Wwise_CreateWorkUnit : Create work units
- AZ_Wwise_SetReference : Set object to property of Reference type
- AZ_Wwise_ContainerType_Random : [Constant] Container Type - Random Container
- AZ_Wwise_ContainerType_Sequence : [Constant] Container Type - Sequence Container
- AZ_Wwise_ContainerType_Switch : [Constant] Container Type - Sewitch Container
- AZ_Wwise_ContainerType_Blend : [Constant] Container Type - Blended Container
■bug fix
- Wwise_GetProperty : Reference:Fixed to get the ID of an object when a property is specified
- Wwise_GetTotalVolume : Fixed AddBus to allow arrays to be specified
- MIDDLESCANNER : Fixed AddBus to allow arrays to be specified
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