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Reaper's ReaScript AZSTOKE-SILVER-API-
API: 109 items
Version information: AZSTOKE_SILVER_ver1.0.0
Available OS: Windows 10 or later/MacOS 10 or later
Available languages: Lua/Python
- API -

109 APIs added
- API Detail-
■API added
- AZ_GetTrackItemSelect: Get track item with specified track type ID
- AZ_GetSelectedTrackFirstInfo: Get the first track item and track ID of the selected track
- AZ_InsertTrackSearchUniqueOnly: Insert if the specified track name is unique
- AZ_InsertTrackId: Insert track with specified ID
- AZ_InsertChildTrack: Insert as child track of specified parent track item
- AZ_GetTrackItemIndex: Get track ID of specified track item
- AZ_GetTrackCountSelect: Get the number of tracks in the specified project (selection type)
- AZ_GetTrackItemMute: Get mute of specified track item
- AZ_GetTrackIdMute: Get mute of specified track ID
- AZ_GetSelectedTrackIdMute: Get mute of specified selected track ID
- AZ_SetTrackItemMute: Set mute for specified track item
- AZ_SetTrackIdMute: Set mute for specified track ID
- AZ_SetSelectedTrackIdMute: Set mute for specified selected track ID
- AZ_SetTrackAllMuteOFF: Turn mute off for all tracks
- AZ_GetTrackItemSolo: Get solo of specified track item
- AZ_GetTrackIdSolo: Get solo of specified track ID
- AZ_GetSelectedTrackIdSolo: Get solo of specified selected track ID
- AZ_SetTrackItemSolo: Solo setting for specified track item
- AZ_SetTrackIdSolo: Solo setting for specified track ID
- AZ_SetSelectedTrackIdSolo: Solo setting for specified selected track ID
- AZ_SetTrackAllSoloOFF: Set solo of all tracks to OFF
- AZ_GetTrackItemColor: Get the color value of the specified track item
- AZ_GetTrackIdColor: Get the color value of the specified track ID
- AZ_GetSelectedTrackIdColor: Get the color value of the specified selected track ID
- AZ_SetTrackItemColor: Set the color of the specified track item
- AZ_SetTrackIdColor: Set color to specified track ID
- AZ_SetSelectedTrackIdColor: Set color to specified selected track ID
- AZ_SetTrackItemRGB: Set RGB of specified track item
- AZ_SetTrackIdRGB: Set RGB of specified track ID
- AZ_SetSelectedTrackIdRGB: Set RGB of specified selected track ID
- AZ_GetTrackItemDepth: Get the number of layers of the specified track item
- AZ_GetTrackIdDepth: Get the number of layers of the specified track ID
- AZ_GetSelectedTrackIdDepth: Get the number of layers of the specified selected track ID
- AZ_SetTrackItemDepth: Set the number of layers for the specified track item
- AZ_SetTrackIdDepth: Set the number of layers for the specified track ID
- AZ_SetSelectedTrackIdDepth: Set the number of layers for the specified selected track ID
- AZ_GetTrackItemName: Get the track name of the specified track item
- AZ_GetTrackIdName: Get the track name of the specified track ID
- AZ_GetSelectedTrackIdName: Get the track name of the specified selected track ID
- AZ_SetTrackItemName: Set name to specified track item
- AZ_SetTrackIdName: Set name to specified track ID
- AZ_SetSelectedTrackIdName: Set name to specified selected track ID
- AZ_SetTrackIdSelected: Select/deselect specified track ID
- AZ_SetTrackItemOnlySelected: Select only the specified track item
- AZ_SetTrackIdOnlySelected: Select only the specified track ID
- AZ_GetTrackItemVolume: Get the volume value of the specified track item
- AZ_GetTrackIdVolume: Get the volume value of the specified track ID
- AZ_GetSelectedTrackIdVolume: Get the volume value of the specified selected track ID
- AZ_SetTrackItemVolume: Set the volume of the specified track item
- AZ_SetTrackIdVolume: Set the volume of the specified track ID
- AZ_SetSelectedTrackIdVolume: Set the volume of the specified selected track ID
- AZ_SetTrackItemAddVolume: Add volume to specified track item
- AZ_SetTrackIdAddVolume: Add volume to specified track ID
- AZ_SetSelectedTrackIdAddVolume: Add volume to specified selected track ID
- AZ_DeleteTrackIdSelect: Delete the specified track ID (selective)
- AZ_CheckSameString: Check if the specified string is the same without checking the case
- AZ_CheckIncludeString: Check if the specified string is included
- AZ_CheckIncludePerfectString: Check if the specified string is included and the case matches.
- AZ_ReplaceSearchString: Replace string
- AZ_DeleteBlankString: Delete blank string
- AZ_SetProjectInfoRecPath: Set recording path in project settings
- AZ_SetProjectInfoRecAddPath: Add to recording path in project settings and set
- AZ_SetProjectPathFolder: Add folder hierarchy to project path
- AZ_SetResoucePathFolder: Add folder hierarchy to resource path
- AZ_SetPathFolder: Add folder hierarchy to specified path
- AZ_SetCopyFile: Copy all contents of the specified path to the specified path
- AZ_WriteFile: Write specified text file
- AZ_ReadFile: Read specified text file
- AZ_GetRandomNumInteger: Output random integer number
- AZ_GetRandomNumDouble: Output floating point random number
- AZ_GetRandomColor: Random output of color values
- AZ_FormatNumDigit: Output the specified number of digits of the specified number
- AZ_GetRegionMarkerIndex: Get index of specified region ID
- AZ_GetRegionMarkerPosition: Get the start and end points of the specified region ID
- AZ_GetRegionMarkerName: Get the region name of the specified region ID
- AZ_GetRegionMarkerColor: Get the color of the specified region ID
- AZ_SetRegionMarkerPosition: Set the start and end points of the specified region ID
- AZ_SetRegionMarkerName: Set the region name of the specified region ID
- AZ_SetRegionMarkerColor: Set the color of the specified region ID
- AZ_AddRegionMarker: Add region
- AZ_DeleteAllRegion: Delete all regions
- AZ_SetMediaItemHANDAUTOMER: Set "HANDAUTOMER" to the specified media
- AZ_SetMediaIdHANDAUTOMER: Set "HANDAUTOMER" to the specified media ID
- AZ_SetSelectedMediaIdHANDAUTOMER: Set "HANDAUTOMER" to the specified selected media ID
- AZ_SetMediaItemLoudnessMaxMomentary: Set the specified MaxMomentary for the specified media
- AZ_SetMediaIdLoudnessMaxMomentary: Set specified MaxMomentary to specified media ID
- AZ_SetSelectedMediaIdLoudnessMaxMomentary: Set specified MaxMomentary to specified selected media ID
- AZ_ActionMediaItemSelectKeep: Perform action on specified media
- AZ_ActionMediaIdSelectKeep: Execute action on specified media ID
- AZ_ActionSelectedMediaIdSelectKeep: Execute action on specified selected media ID
- AZ_RenderMediaItemActiveTake: Export the active take of the specified media to a new take
- AZ_RenderMediaIdActiveTake: Export the active take of the specified media ID to a new take
- AZ_RenderSelectedMediaIdActiveTake: Export the active take of the specified selected media ID to a new take
- AZ_SetMediaItemEnvelopeAllOFF: Turn off all envelopes of specified media
- AZ_SetMediaIdEnvelopeAllOFF: Turn off all envelopes for the specified media ID
- AZ_SetSelectedMediaIdEnvelopeAllOFF: Turn off all envelopes of specified selected media ID
- AZ_GetTrackItemList: Output all track items in the specified project as an array
- AZ_GetTrackItemChildList: Output child track item array of specified track item
- AZ_GetTrackIdChildList: Output child track item array of specified track ID
- AZ_GetSelectedTrackIdChildList: Output child track item array of specified selected track ID
- AZ_GetSamePerfectTrackNameList: Output array of exact match same name track items
- AZ_GetIncludePerfectTrackNameList: Output array of partially matched track items with the same name
- AZ_GetTrackDepthList: Output array of all track layers of the specified project
- AZ_GetFilePathList: Output file path array of specified folder path
- AZ_GetStringSplitList: Output array with specified delimiter of specified text
- AZ_GetUserInputList: Generate UI text box and set input control
- AZ_GetMediaItemPeakList: Output peak array of specified media item
- AZ_GetMediaIdPeakList: Output peak array of specified media ID
- AZ_GetSelectedMediaIdPeakList: Peak array output of specified selected media ID
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