- Script Code -
function textTableChanger(table,str,Number,Count)
local a = table local a = {} local b = Count local c = Number local d = 0 local e = 0
for word in str:gmatch("([^,]*)") do
c = c +1
if b > 1 then
if d == 0 then e = e+1 a[e] = {}end
d = d +1
a[e][d] = word
if d == Count then d = 0 end
a[c] = word
return a
text = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8"
c = {}
c = textTableChanger(c,text,0,1)
c = {}
c = textTableChanger(c,text,0,2)
c = {}
c = textTableChanger(c,text,0,3)
- Warm Up -
No preparation required
- Script Detail -
Loading the initial settings for the Lua version of RIGDOCKS
function textTableChanger(table,str,Number,Count)
Define a function that stores a comma-separated string in an array.
local a = table local a = {} local b = Count local c = Number local d = 0 local e = 0
Store the arguments in variables and initialize the counting variable to 0.
for word in str:gmatch("([^,]*)") do
c = c +1
Split the argument (str) with commas, and repeat steps 5 to 6 below for each split string. Increment the variable (c) each time.
if b > 1 then
if d == 0 then e = e+1 a[e] = {}end
d = d +1
a[e][d] = word
if d == Count then d = 0 end
If variable (b) (the Count argument) is greater than 1, and if variable (d) is 0, add 1 to variable (e) and store an empty array in the (e)th position of the array.
Add 1 to variable (d) and store the string split by 4 in the (d)th position of the array stored in the (e)th position of the array.
When the variable (d) becomes equal to the argument (Count), (d) is initialized to 0.