[ PYTHON ]REAPDOCK/APIDOCK document update

Slack notifications have finally been implemented. Following on from last week’s Lua version, this week we will introduce the Python version.
As you incorporate automation, you'll end up auto-tuning hundreds of audio clips!
In that case, even though it was automatic, I couldn't tell when it would finish unless I looked at the screen.
So if you could receive a Slack notification when the task is finished, you wouldn't have to constantly look at the screen. You could do it before starting another task or taking a short break, and you'd be able to check when the task finished and what the results were from a distance.
First, I narrowed it down to a task of notifying the user when the first step is completed and created a script.
Please note that since it is not possible to write Japanese in python files, the text is prepared in a json file, which is different from the Lua version.
We hope you will use it.
□For detailed documentation on how to generate ReaScript, see 👇
Make your work more efficient with SILVER's API !
Next time, Reapdock Lua version will be released
New to Reaper/those considering subscribing to a plan
[REAPDOCK]Script documentation can be found here:
[APIDOCK] Please refer to the following table of contents for the APIs used in the script.
[REAPDOCK-Python-] -030- [Render] Rendering waveforms using saved data
[REAPDOCK-Python-] -029-[Render] Save render settings as text and generate save data
[REAPDOCK-Python-]-027- [Wwise]-Part1- Manipulating each file name
[REAPDOCK-Python-]-026- LOUDMATCHIFY 2nd Edition Name detection loudness execution
[REAPDOCK-Python-] -015- Save data construction part 1-ReaScript!!
[REAPDOCK-Python-]-014- Speeding up audio editing Automatic media insertion Part 1-ReaScript!!
[REAPDOCK-Python-]-012- Essential for MA production!!-Session organization automation 2-ReaScript!!
[REAPDOCK-Python-]-011- Essential for MA production!! -Automate session organization-ReaScript!!
[REAPDOCK-Python-]-010-SE production required! ! -Free Pitch operation-ReaScript! !
[REAPDOCK-Python-] -009-MA production required!! -Delete all muted media-ReaScript!!
[REAPDOCK-Python-]-007-"Sound Design" Essential-Fade Automation-ReaScript!!
[REAPDOCK-Python-]-006-Speed up sound designer! ReaScript for freely adjusting playback speed!!
[REAPDOCK-Python-]-005-A must-have for volume adjustment! ReaScript for freely changing the volume!!
[REAPDOCK-Python-] -004- Essential for MA! ReaScript to get frame count in 2 seconds!!
[REAPDOCK-Python-] -003- Essential for recording! ReaScript that does a 10 minute job in 2 seconds!!
[REAPDOCK-Python-]-001-Automatically change all selected media to mono